Friday, December 14, 2007

Desing-A-Lulu Initiative

We at Friends of Lulu are looking for talented artists to donate their talent to Friends of Lulu's Design-A-Lulu Initiative, a fundraising and increased public awareness effort in which we ask artists to dream up their own interpretation of our Lulu mascot.

If you can find the time to help Friends of Lulu by contributing your own unique "Lulu" design, we would most appreciate it.

Here are the specs & pertinent info:

* Our preferred deadline is by the end of January, but we will happily extend it where needed.

* Colored art is preferred but B&W is fine.

* Art should be scanned at 300 dpi.

* Torso-and-head shots preferred, though if you're inspired to draw full-body that's okay.

* Though your initial inspiration can be our original mascot Lulu (and the original Little Lulu, but not too close to her design), unique interpretations are welcome and encouraged.

* Who is "Lulu?" She's the Everywoman who reads and/or creates comic books.

* A variety of ethnicities, races, and body types for your Lulu are welcome as well.

* A request will be made for original art so we can auction it all off in a Lulu fundraising event.

* Selected art will be used for a variety of Friends of Lulu fundraising/ promotional purposes, including website & flyer art, T-shirts, stickers, and buttons.

* We will initially post the art on our blog as it comes in, then later set up a permanent gallery on our site.


Anonymous said...

oye ya tengo dos diseños de la lulu, a que dirección de correo te las mando?, otra cosa, las colorié digitalmente pero si quieres te escaneo las tintas y te las mando, o bien, el archivo que tengo de la vectorización y el color en corel Draw 12 y pues ya, solo espero la confirmación de a dónde te mando a las luluces.


luxshine said...

Hola Yorke,

Mandalos a por favor, y si es posible, la version a color en jpg.

Gracias :)